Tag Archives: sunshine

Monday Moments: National Escape Day

We feel free when we escape – even if it be but from the frying pan into the fire. ~ Eric Hoffer

Who knew there was such a thing as National Escape Day?

Not me, that’s for sure. I would have planned better for it!

In case you missed the news — it’s here!


Evidently it occurs every January 30, and how I have missed such a wonderous day in the past, I have no clue! There are a lot of “days” out there that I wonder why in the heck we are celebrating that, but escape? Count me in!

In fact, if I had to pick an escape for today? I’m thinking here would work….. just fine:

Can you smell the salty air? Feel the heat of the sun and the sand??

Nope — me neither.


Maybe I’ll just change my desktop picture to that one and stare at it for a bit. And start to plan for next year’s celebration of National Escape Day!

So where would you go to escape today?


Filed under Life, Monday Moments

In Lieu of Sunshine

a bouquet of daffodils

Flowers are those little colorful beacons of the sun from which we get sunshine when dark, somber skies blanket our thoughts. ~Dodinsky

First and foremost, I want to say a heartfelt “Thank you” to my guest bloggers on Monday, Tara Taylor Quinn and Tim Barney. I appreciate them taking time on their blog tour to spend the day here, and for bringing many of their regular visitors along with them. It was great to see some familiar names here with us, and to have new visitors as well. Thanks to all who stopped by, and I hope you will wander by again for another visit soon!

Well, today marks yet another in the long line of cold and drizzly days in this part of the country. Hopefully the sun is shining in your part of the universe! But it isn’t here, at least not today. So in lieu of sunshine outside, how about we share a little sunshine here today and warm ourselves with good company instead. I’ve got my cup of Jamaica-me-crazy coffee, trying to spark Caribbean sunshine around the place. So grab a drink, an afghan, or whatever warms you up and join me for a visit. Let’s get some sunshine in here!

What things bring sunshine into your world?

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D’Angelo

Sunshine is my quest. ~Winston Churchill

If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up. ~Jean Asper McIntosh


Filed under Life